Acupuncture treats the whole body, and aims to find the root of the illness beyond the apparent symptoms. It facilitates health and wellbeing by treating the individual's physical, mental, and spiritual state. Each treatment is tailored to each individual, their situation, lifestyle, and concerns.
Conditions Treated
Included, but not limited to:
Insomnia, Fertility, Women’s Health, Postpartum, Skin disorders
Digestive issues, Stress, Chronic Pain, Depression, Addiction
Headaches/migraines, Sports injuries, Health and vitality
Acupuncture and IVF
IVF is not for the faint of heart. It’s a demanding, emotional process and often follows years of hope, frustration, and grief. But acupuncture can support you during the process, and also increase your chances of success.
There is also growing evidence that IVF optimizes conception rates when acupuncture is performed the same day as the embryos are planted.
Chemotherapy Support
Acupuncture has been shown to help ease symptoms of chemotherapy, especially nausea and vomiting. I work fully and respectfully in conjunction with your oncologist.